The other day Bailey got pretty sick and I finally had Eli come home early so that I could take her to the vet. I was getting worried because she wouldn't eat and had a bloody discharge from her nose. I think Eli was worried Bailey might not come home from the Vet cause he was trying to get the girls to take a picture by her before I left for the vet.

This was her infection on her arm, but now it is getting better. After a nights stay at the vet and medication she is getting back to her ol' self again. The vet she has to stay inside out of the heat for about three week while she is recovering. I don't know if we will ever get her back outside after being spoiled that long.

The downside to the story is she now looks like this for the three weeks so that she can't lick
her wound so that the infection doesn't spread to her mouth and nose anymore. (That is what was causing the blood) But suprisingly we found out she is pretty healthy for her weight and her age.
One evening we left Kamdyn a little too close to the table and she helped herself to what was left of the cool whip!!!!

At the beginning of the month school was coming to a close so of course that meant
Kindergarden Graduation.
Caellie has been a really good sport about moving and adjusted really well to a new school.
She still misses her teacher and friends from Burton, but is excited to make new friends at Allie Ward. We are pretty proud of her!!!